Chad Haspels Sculpture
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Artist Statement

     My interest and fascination with the ecology of the Rocky Mountain and Colorado Plateau Regions is the driving factor in why I work with wood as a sculptural medium.  I hand select the wood I use directly from this land, which allows my work to have an intimate connection to wild nature.  Every tree has its own history as a part of the environment that it came from and I try to take this into account when I create.  I want to bring out an energy within the wood that expresses the fragility and resilience of nature. 


      My subject matter includes the feminine figure and wildlife.  The feminine figure sculpted in wood emphasizes a connection with the earth.  My wildlife sculptures are focused on the predator species that are native to the west.  Their mystery and presence exemplifies the primordial spirit of wild nature and represent an essential circle of life and balance within nature itself. My objective is to touch into a core energy within the subject matter to allow for a sense of interconnectedness with the world around us.  




© Chad Haspels.  FolioLink © Kodexio ™ 2025